Happy Birthday Sayang..

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. The time has come. It is 2020. It is 16th February. It is my birthday. This is the day I turn 28. Yes, I am legit 28! :D

When you feel unloved, you are wrong coz scientifically, we will never be able to love anybody more than we love ourselves.

No amount of love can beat the power of love of your ownself. Love can be so powerful but never more powerful than self love.

Happy Birthday Mujahidah Sayang.. 

Muja, I sayang you. I cinta you. I kasih you. I heart you. You are my most important person. I adore you with all my heart. You are my forever love. I love you till my last breath. My love for you is eternal. No one can ever come between me and you, Muja.

Muja, I love you in this world and in the here after.

Muja sayang. Let's conquer the world together. Let's face all the hurdles and trials with brave heart we own. We can do this Sayang. Let's do ibadah till we get so tired that we can have a good rest in Jannah. We can do this Sayang.

Call this Narcissism. I still call this Self Love, coz I can!! :D


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