how can they love you so much online?
ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM. now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D hari ni aku rasa macam rendah diri sangat,, nape? sebab aku tak pernah merasa cash out anything,, betapa slow and tak de experience nya aku dalam bab-bab menarik kawan-kawan aku ni untuk click ads daripada aku,,, haha sering jugak tertanya-tanya,, macam mana LYSSA FAIZUREEN boleh buat her fans click click and click her ads like crazy sampai boleh cecah RM1000 pergh,,, APIT lak cash out BLIN.GD sampai RM300 ++ padahal baru kejap je join BLIN, , haissy,, it is not all about money actually,, but,,, IT IS ABOUT CURIOSITY,,, i admit that i am very curious on how these people can make people love them so much that people won't mind clicking anything any ads even though they don't even want to watch or know about the ads,, cer gitau macam mana? how to make people love you so much online? pelik pelik and pelik,