
Showing posts from July, 2017

Hasil Mekap 5 MUA Terkenal Ni Memang Woww!

5 Mua Terkenal dan Viral Kegemaran Ramai Yang Korang Wajib Kenal Kalau Korang Peminat Mekap Tegar Macam Aku | Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. By the way, today is Friday and tak semena-mena, Nik kena pergi sekolah for kelas tambahan. So, I was literally alone and bored. Tetiba rasa nak update pasal 5 MUA yang memang korang kena kenal kalau korang peminat makeup. Tak kisahlah baru nak minat macam aku or dah lama minat or minat tapi buat-buat tak minat macam a lot of girls I know, korang kena kenal dorang. Likers beratus ribu. Kemahen! Nanti bolehla korang melangut depan hp korang tengok dorang punya live makeup videos berjam-jam. Yeah, that is me currently. Aku jarang bagitahu yang aku memang penggemar mekap. Kalau follow ig aku, korang tahu la kot. To those yang kenal aku masa sekolah mungkin gonna find this hard to believe but, believe it or not, believe it. Aku terpaksa mengaku yang I am now kinda a makeup addict walaupun masih lagi kedekut nak beli barang mekap.

The First Hospital Experience

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. In the year 2017, this was actually my second experience getting admitted to the hospital. But, since I don't have the memory of my first time being admitted there of pneumonia, I consider July 2017 is my first experience. This week had been challenging as I was infected with cough and flu at the same time. At school, I was feeling so very tired having to deal with cheeky pupils while carrying geting-bigger-and-bigger tummy. Then, on Wednesday, at around 4 a.m., the coughing got very bad I felt something liquid-like substance running down my leg. It was water-like substance. Immediately I thought,"Am I giving birth tonight??? I was so nervous as I thought it was amniotic fluid! Ummi came to mind. Being her, at 4 am still awake. Alhamdulillah. Told her what happened and she asked me to go to the nearest Klinik Kesihatan as soon as possible. Went to Klinik Kesihatan Parit Bakar but closed. So, Googled Hospital Muar then went s

It Does Not Mean It Does Not Hurt

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. When we pour our heart out to somebody, we usually get this kind of response, 'Look at those whose life is worse than yours. Then only you will feel grateful.' I don't deny that to be true but still, it does not mean what we are going through in our life does not hurt. When we say things, when we tell things to somebody, it is just that we want to be heard because being heard is enough to make things feel better even does not really heal. 'What would hurt that much laa' said those who have family close to them, who have friends to go out with them, who have money to use at shopping malls, who have nice beds to sleep on and other good things needed in life. Let me tell you. Being far from family and close friends hurts. Having nobody to look upon to hurts. Having nobody to talk to hurts. Having nobody to listen to hurts. Having to fake happiness hurts. Having to succumb sadness to ourselves hurts. Liv

Talyah London, Jenama Kosmetik Halal Terbaik dari London

Talyah, Jenama Kosmetik Halal Terbaik dari London | Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Aku selalu tengok kawan-kawan yang minat barang mekap macam aku, kami suka beli barang kosmetik dari luar negara. Mesti korang pun familiar dengan jenama seperti MAC, Clinique dan Dior. Semua nama ini memanglah gah, tapi kita yakin tak barang-barang yang kita apply pada bibir atau kuku kita itu, HALAL? Susah juga kalau barang dah cantik, tapi buat kita rasa syubhah,; Eh, boleh guna ke tidak ni? Halal ke tidak ni? Kena basuh dulu tak sebelum berwudhuk? Kalau tak basuh, sah ke wudhuk? Jujurnya, benda ni selalu bermain dalam kepala aku. Tambah-tambah, kalau tertinggal wet tissue masa nak solat kat shopping mall. Selalunya, aku mesti end up basuh dengan air je. Lepas habis solat, barulah nampak warna lipstick dan bedak yang masih melekat. *sigh Aku tahu, ramai yang lebih percaya dan lebih suka beli barang kosmetik dari luar negara. Ini semua sebab barang tempatan yang menimbulkan b