
Showing posts from September, 2012

email mengejutkan. gambar dimanipulasi.

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM. haisssyy,,, malam ni baru la boleh nak update,, kalau tak tunggu malam memang haremmmm,, balik kelas kul 4,, then tido melentang kepenatan,, then solat,, bangun je kena jalan dalam 20 minutes to reach the restaurant for dinner,, then balik,, penat,, terus tido tak ingat dah esok nak kena anta keje,, gggggrrrr,,, hari ni kan,, mukmin emailed something for me,, huhu,,, korang nak tau tak ni,, nak kan,, orang mesti nak tau,, aku tau korang ni stalker berjaya,, tak yah nak kelentong sangat la,, a blogger is a stalker,, see? dah boleh jadi proverb dah pun,, haha,,, tak de makna tau being a blogger when we dont be a great stalker,, lalala inilah yang dihantarnya,, eh,, bukan,,, yang ni dalam folder menggedik depan webcam aku,, yang telah budak ni duakan,, haisssyyy,,, see,, gambar aku dah dicuri sewenang-wenangnya,, huhu yang ni la yang di hantarnya,, huhuu,, dengan caption Ok x... Hahaha...

my exam result history,, wanna know how bad it is?

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM. when i was in form 1, i studied really hard despite berpeleseran out of class during preparation period when there was no teachers around i really focused in my study despite kept on staring at my long lasting crush doing his homework at teacher's table almost every night i really gave full attention in my study despite going out almost every weekend at KB to eat at KFC,, huhu , i was a top 5 student,, i was so proud with myself that i started to forget my root. as being at the top,,, i started to forget everything that i had done to be at such position,, when i was in form 2 i only scored 8a's for the first exam,, and my results was getting down and down throughout the year,, when i was in form 3, i was at thirtieth place in my batch and still i slept almost every night during prep classes,,, alhamdulillah,, i still scored 8a's for my PMR the worst two years during high school were ye

akhirnya terlihat juga

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D setelah bertahun blogging,,,, baru hari ni aku capai satu jumlah earning yang membolehkan aku cashout,, korang bayangkanlah betapa slownya,, hahaha,,, minimum earning for us the SAYS .MY users kan RM50,, and only today i can see that figure on my SAYS dashboard,,, huhu,, sangat sadis. so,,, dengan perasaan tak malu yang tebal giler,, aku print screen and tepek kenangan this first time dapat angka 5 kat depan dalam blog aku ni,, haha,,, yes,, sememangnya rezeki aku ngan blog ni sangat mensadiskan,, kuang3,, but still i keep on blogging because i love writing and reading your blogs,,, huhu,, then,, aku nak ucap terima kasih giler-gilak punya banyak to those yang sudi click aku punya ads,,, thank you so much,, tak kira la korang tak sengaja click,, memang sengaja click bertujuan bagi 20 sen untuk aku yang sengkek

be happy soldiers :D

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  malas nak tulis banyak-banyak,, the words are already written on the print screen di bawah,, i am smiling while writing this entry :D

dahsyat sungguh this rarely prepared dish.

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D this mornig,,, we ate nasi kerabu and grilled chicken,, then,,, for lunch,, do guess,, hehe,, korang rasa korang tau tak? hehe,, i doubt you know it because it is not a normal dish you know,,, this time it is very special,, :D hari ni,, our amateur chef @ my doctor umi cooked a very rare dish for us,, told you she is an amateur,, hehe,, but still,, what is the use of courage when we are still afraid to do something new,, huhu,,, here it is ketupat sotong atau pun sotong sumbat,, eh,, mandai je aku ni yang aku tau,,, orang kelate panggil ketupat sotong,, kalau orang luar kelate ni aku tak tau la pulak,,, best umi aku masak despite being an amateur,, huhu,,, nampak tak isi dalam sotong tu? dia disumbat dengan beras pulut,, sebab tu kot dia digelar ketupat walaupun rupanya jauh daripada ketupat biasa,,,

dukan diet used by kate and lisa

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D nak tau lebih lanjut tentang cara dapat body macam Kate Middleton,,? Lisa Surihani pun telah mencuba cara yang sama,,,, do visit THIS DUKAN DIET WEBSITE ,,, boleh calculate freely,, this is my result,, adess,, tak de maknanya aku akan capai berat ni,,, makan dah la banyak,, exercise kurang,, aku just boleh berpuas hati je dengan keadaan sekarang,, hehe...

being a hater

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D my parents are religious in my eyes,, at least in my eyes,, aku dah masuk tadika agama since i was 4 until i was 7 i joined al-Quran kelas from maybe since i was 9 till i became 12,, can't remember my pendidikan Islam teachers from primary and secondary schools are super great i rarely missed my fardhu ain class when in SKBJ BUT,, still,, my faith is not strong enough to accept the humiliations my faith is very weak to accept slanders created by people my faith is mild that i can't avoid me to dislike someone very terribly,, is my faith even exist when my grudge is growing day by day astaghfirullahalazim ya ALLAH,, hilangkanlah rasa benci yang meluap-luap untuknya ini ya ALLAH,, hapuskanlah dendam yang menyala-nyala ini ya ALLAH,, lenyapkanlah kemarahan yang membara ini aku tau,,, ini agenda iblis

be lagi,, dan lagi,,,

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D libresse pulak dah,, hehehe,, tq nuffnang :D

style tak sengaja,,

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D semalam aku bangun je pagi terus basuh baju yang aku dah rendam semalaman dalam baldi beserta dengan sabun basuh daia out of lazyness yang menyerang bertalu-talu,, laptop pulak memanggil-manggil untuk aku menjengah virtual world yang serba canggih and best giler sebab korang ada,, hehe,,, letih gak ye,,, bangun pagi,, gosok gigi,, cuci muka,, solat,, tak mandi agi,, basuh baju,, jemur baju,, then baru mandi,, then,, gosok baju,, pakai seragam ipg @ baju kurung,, then tepek bedak serba sedikit,, then,, mencapai tudung,, haissyyy,, nak pakai bawal ke selendang hari ni ye,, mmm,, macam biasa shawl menjadi priority aku sehari-hari,, hehe.. reasond for choosing selendang: tak yah susah-susah nak kasi betul and menggelembung dengan betul and cantik macam bawal senang nak gosok,, yang banyaknya tak payah gosok,, tapi ka

like tasha manshahar.

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D that day,, my friend,, AZIZI MUHAMMMAD ,,, asked me to wear my bawal tudung the way TASHA MANSHAHAR does her tudung,, siap tunjuk gambar lagi penyanyi hot ni pakai tudung yang macam di suka,, oopppss lupa,, ada ke yang tak kenal TASHA MANSHAHAR ni,, ok,, likers dia yang 40k kat facebook membuktikan keawesoman beliau ye,,, inilah dia ladies and gentlemen,, i present you the gorgeous TASHA MANSHAHAR !! ni la gambar yang AZIZI tunjuk hari tu,, super gorgeous but,, i have to follow the vlogger below,, dekat sama,, tapi,,, modified one :D harap dia tak marah aku k,, Kalau dia marah aku nak cakap macam ni la lebih kurang kot,, i am actually promoting you wahai  TASHA ,, because there are my readers who don't know you yet (ok,, aku agak je ada yang tak

dorang dah kawin,, korang bilenye???

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D semalam,,, ustaz fahmi told us,, there are three things that are wajib to be done without hesitation,, once they can be done,, we have to do them straight away,, they are solat,, we should perform our solah as soon as the time comes if we don't have any urgent matters so procrastinate it burying the corpse. should not wait too long,, dead human body smell badly very fast.. and it will be tortured if not buried fast. to get daughters married when they reach suitable age and condition hari ni entry aku yang the third thing tu la,, hehe LOVE TILL JANNAH,, AMIIN,,, Beautiful love-birds since high school :)))) Congratulations to both of u! ok,, hari ni kejelesan melanda dengan hebatnya bila aku tengok seorang senior aku ni,, upload gambar my ex head girl when i was in form 2,, kak nabila.. pfffttt!!!! serio


ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D it is 4.36 am in the morning and here i am,, writing for a blog post to show excitement to share with you all about khalida's birthday party!!!! yahooo!!! not really party lol,,, but some kind of eating-together-time.. time to spend together.. to tighten the ukhuwah among us,, and khalida's birthday becomes the day,,, make sure that you be happy khalida,, if not,,, see you in court! :P we went there at 5.30 pm gitu,, aku tumpang kete azizi,, aku, alang, azizi, arieff and syanim in a car,, arrived there at almost six. cantik la first station ni,, makanan pun ok,, standard,, banyak pulak tu,, best sesangat la,,, see the girl with blue bawal... with the mouth open out of excitement there. that is our special, budak kecik named khalida. some times i become confused, is she 19 or 9 years old? she always admit

ingin iklankan blog dengan lebih berkesan?

ASSAALAMUALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARAKAATUH AHLAN WASAHLAN WA MARHABAN BIKUM.  now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D semua blogger mengharapkan blognya menjadi sefemes BLOG FATIN LIYANA ,, sehot BLOG HANIS ZALIKHA , seinformative BLOG THE OTHER KHAIRUL ,, tapi,, tidak tahu cara macam mana untuk mencapainya termasuklah aku,, seorang blogger picisan ini,, blogger picisan itu adalah aku,, :D hari ni di saat aku berada di dalam perpustakaan,, kawanku AZIZI MUHAMAD telah memberi idea yang sangat bernas dan bijaksana dan intelligent dan pelbagai dan lagi untuk mempromote blog,, nak tahu bagaimana? sudah semestinya!!! :D inilah caranya iaitu dengan meletak link blog, or banner or header or pelbagai or lagi,, sebagai desktop background,, and pastikan komputer itu menjadi komputer yang paling diminati dan disukai oleh orang ramai,, pastikan juga pc itu pc terbaik dalam banyak-banyak pc ye,, hahaha!!! idea karut marut daripada a tesl s