perkara yang buat aku berat hati untuk berjemaah

now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D

tengok title tu,,, korang must be thinking,,, ape la muja ni,,

doesn't she know that solat berjemaah can give her 27 times pahala compared to doing it alone?
doesn't she know she is actually letting go the opportunity of getting more and more pahala when she lets go solat berjemaah?
doesn't she know solat berjemaah once had attracted a non-muslim to convert to Islam?
doesn't she know that solat berjemaah is the symbol on unity for Muslims?
doesn't she know that one day, when people solat berjemaah for subuh prayer are as many as people who pray solat Jumaat, Islam will win the world again the way it used to?


yes,,, i know my readers,,, i totally know how important solat berjemaah is,, but,,, when we have somebody who we are not confident enough to become his or her makmum, what should i do? can you answer me? somebody,,, answer this question for me,,, i once heard that we cannot pray at the back of imam who we don't believe can lead our solat (based on certain reasons) or when we hate that imam. in my case, it is not that i hate the person, but i kind of having only a little belief in him.

when i listen to him reciting the al-Quran, i feel troubled. as i studied tajwid since i was little, i quite know about it. it is hard to accept an imam whose tajwid is very obviously weak and he is still confident to become imam. i am not saying this just because i think i am the best. no!!! i know i have a lot of weaknesses, but, to accept a wrong pronunciation of   and  , and others yang korang boleh tengok kat gambar bawah ni,,, it is truly unacceptable for me. we change meanings when we change the correct ways of pronouncing it. yeah,,, you know Arabic language, a single letter can change the whole meaning of a sentence. ustaz cakap kalau panjang 5 harakat menjadi 3 or 4 masih acceptable as nobody is perfect but,,,, kalau sampai huruf bertukar,,, or ada certain letters tu sampai tertinggal, can you say something that can convince me of accepting him as my imam???


once, i once heard that when are not confident enough with the imam, we should clap our hands 3 times (for girls) to  keluar daripada jemaah tersebut. and solat sorang-sorang. but for sure, it seems inappropriate you see. it is kind of rude and unacceptable BUT!!! what should we do as our religion states the rule like that! and a very weak woman, i continue the solat with reluctant heart, saying inappropriate things in my mind, feeling uneasy of giving dosa to the imam sebab kalau kita tidak senang dengan imam tu, that imam will be sinned! i don't want him to be sinned because of me. i do ask from ALLAH,, 'ya ALLAH hilangkanlah kegusaranku dengan imam ini' tapi, as i am not in the control of my mind, i just keep on thinking about that thing


'wanna stay???? wanna clap hands???? wanna stop the prayer???? ' and lastly i just continue the solat till the end and my head still spins thinking whether my solat is accepted or not.. i am not saying that when our tajwid is perfect, it is assured that our solah is accepted, but, we can't deny that the way of reciting the al-Quran is one of the factors kan?

so, i am begging now MEN!!!! please learn TAJWID as you are going to be husbands to women. that means that you are going to be THE IMAM when performing prayers. even i am a teacher-gonna-be i still know that

is far more important than 



  1. perfect entry..!setakat ni tak penoh lg rasa ragu2 ngan imam..hurm..betul tu semo ore patut belajar ore laki lebih lg sebab dia akan jadi imam tak di surau tp untuk family sediri key..

    1. tu la kan,, kito jamey loni dok bimbey ko subjek hok ado dale upsr, pmr, n spm. subjek agamo sebenar ni wat dono jah,, berani sungguh,, takut muja pikey,,, insya ALLAH muja akey ingat untuk ajar anok muja molek nanti,,, :'(

  2. X tahu pula ada Oh My Tajweed. Haha. Terbaik!!! Mmg penting benda ni. Semua org perlu tahu. Xkn la belajar tinggi2, tp sirah nabi pun x tahu, tarikh lahir nabi pun x ingat. Erm, bagus ada program mcm ini. Dpt kita mendalami ilmu agama disaat dunia yg dikejar dizaman ini. Insya Allah semoga kita tidak lalai didalam Tajweed, Kerana bimbang salah bacaan dan akan menyebabkan bertukar maksud. Sia2 dpt dosa nanti. :)

  3. ade ustaz gak pernah cakap kalau kita cam takleh terima ngan imam tu tapi dalam masa yang sama kita tak nak nampak tetiba kita inappropriate untuk pisah ngan imam, solat sendiri tapi follow pergerakan imam.hmmm..try tanya ustaz balik.

  4. oh my mmg aku kene studi balik..haha..

  5. entry yg bagus muja.... dpt membuka minda2...

  6. betul tu muja..
    saya pun ada tak tahu juga pasal tajwid ni.. nak kena belajar jugak ni.

  7. Boleh arelan. x salah. :D Mmg dibenarkn.


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