2 things in 1.. SOCIETY AND KOT.


hye korang,,, penat amat la,, aku ni balik confirm terus nak mandi,, tapi,,, sekali dah lepas gosok gigi cuci muka,, gi jemur kain,, terus air takde,, dah parah kot masalah air kat sini,,, bila nak setel,, ana la tahu,, aku pun tak tahu,, jom layan activity for our society subject,, lagi best kan??

for the pics,, aku include yang time BLACK STONE group ran their activity last monday,, about society subject,, kitorang are divided into 4 groups which are LIPSTICK JUNGLE (win every week,, grrr :@), CYBER CHASE (my group,,  i dont know la nape name kitorang camtu,, lalala), BLACK STONE (teringat pulak kat hajaratul aswad,, bile nak ketemu ya??), HAGEMARU HAGEDA (fanatik sungguh dorang ni,, i wonder,,,, hmm)

layan activity CHAIN DRAWING by BLACK STONE k,, chain drawing ni is played this way,, the first person will be show a word of something that he or she needs to draw. then, the drawing will be shown to the another person and when it comes to the last person, that particular person has to guess the thing in the drawing,, so easy la,, macam makan bubur nasi knorr,, tambah air je,, hek hok hek hok,,,

aku, bahij, jue,, bahij has done a very good job in controlling our hyperactiveness,, congratulations!!! :D

seriously aku sangat fail bab melukis,,, how can i draw like da vinci when my hand is kind of made up by stone??? dem! :P

this the punishment to those who cheat or lose,, drinking a bit of budu does not torture us much right??? err,, mybe only for me,, but for others,, can it cause nausea or apendix?? i dont know,,, lalalala

done with the society thing,, now,, we move to 

adui maaaak!!!! adakah aku sudah tooo old now??? not a single medal for my sports house, bintang,, aiyooo,,, why maa??? embarrassing sungguh!!!! aku sudah tua,, aku terima dengan hati yang reda dan tulus suci,, full stop!!! but,, no one knows what will happen next year right??? :)

tu la baju rumah sukan aku sekali ngan banner cute tu,, both of them are my wonderful, hyperactive classmates, arieff and bahij,, both are mine!!! do not disturb,, errk??? jangan marah la min,, aku gurau jelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,, hehehehehe

ni barisan peserta perbarisan rumah bintang,, not including the face-burnt girl with red cap ok,,, dye tu menyibuk je keje,, anak sapa la tu kan,, ish3,, do focus on her pink bottle,, isn't it cute??? unlike the owner???

wah,, kemain tuan pengarah kite,, datangn ngan motor copo(kasi sengau time sebut),,, jelez mak tau,, nak tumpang jugak boleh,, time ni nak guna excuse of the benefit or motor pooling pun boleh kan??? kih3,,

suasana padang,, kemain yer,, but still,, i am wondering,, am i in blue sports house now???? alamak,, missing hussein house damn much!!!! tak pe,, tak lama agi gonna go to faris petra as one of the alumni,, wanna join anybody??? cannot,, unless you are one of us of course,, hek4

rupa juara,,, penolong ketua rumah sukan muja,, ong pei si,, gondol 3 emas,,, nasib baik 3 acara je maksimum,, kalau tak,, 5 emas pun boleh maa,,, olahragawati kali kedua,, pecah rekod 400m for this year with the time taken of 1 minit and 3 seconds,, caya laaaaaa!!! pfft,,!! jelez tau tak??? :P congratulation pei si,, you are my idol now k :D

semua ni jadi rebutan,, yang tinggi sekali tu dah jadi milik rumah bintang for the second time in a row,, not bad hmm,,, next year nak contribute jugak,, insya ALLAH,, i could do it before and i will do it again in future :D

ok,, kulit hitam time kot,,, lepas berjemur manjang is normal baby,,, jangan nak mengata muja!!! sumpah korang jadi katak nak?????

me and my ex-schoolmates,, dorang datang sebagai rivals dah for today,,, dorang dapat second place after ipgkkb,, bangga amat tau tak?? first goes to my ipg,, second goes to my school,, isn't that cool???? dont lie!

bendera paling atas la rumah muja,, kedua bekas rumah muja,, ahaks!!!!

cant wait for my second time kot next year,, hehe,, chow!!!!


  1. comelnya mascot android tuh :)

    BTW, suka bag x?


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