dorang dah kawin,, korang bilenye???

now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D

semalam,,, ustaz fahmi told us,, there are three things that are wajib to be done without hesitation,, once they can be done,, we have to do them straight away,, they are

  1. solat,, we should perform our solah as soon as the time comes if we don't have any urgent matters so procrastinate it
  2. burying the corpse. should not wait too long,, dead human body smell badly very fast.. and it will be tortured if not buried fast.
  3. to get daughters married when they reach suitable age and condition

hari ni entry aku yang the third thing tu la,, hehe


Beautiful love-birds since high school :))))
Congratulations to both of u!

ok,, hari ni kejelesan melanda dengan hebatnya bila aku tengok seorang senior aku ni,, upload gambar my ex head girl when i was in form 2,, kak nabila.. pfffttt!!!! seriously jealousy overwhelms in me now,, hahaha,,

why should i be jealous??? because they have been love birds since when i was in form 1!!!! high school till now, at the age of 23,, who won't get jealous with those yang dapat experience true love yang dorang get at such young age kan???? masa aku masuk sekolah tu,, dorang dah jadi each other's beloved,, entah-entah dorang dah jadian since form 1 kan,, urrrgghhhh,,,, the more jealous i become,, hehe,,

ok,, ni buat aku makin nak menitis air mata ye,, romantiknya la weh la weh la weh,, atas pelamin,, baiki rantai suami,, adussss,, huhu,,, but,,, sanding?  not in my list of wish kot,, hehe

of course la yang ni paling buat aku jelez,, you know what the bride get for the hantaran??? a DSLR camera wehh!!!! o no!!!! i want it so badly now,, trup trup,, air mata meleleh-leleh kot,,, untung la dia,, hehe,, i am so happy for you kak nabila,, seriously,, :D

beautifully married,,, don't you think they look similar? their faces i mean,, quite similar kan,,

dulu cik abang dia ni (sorry aku tak ingat nama, rasanya ada wan kot,, maybe ikhwan,, haha,, maybe only,,) Ketua Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya dulu,, kak bila lak Head Girl.. dorang ni rasanya dua-dua graduated from Japan,, wah wah wah,, jodoh dorang memang panjang kan,, sekolah menengah sampai kat university pun still together they gather,, happy sangat-sangat to see them both end up sitting on that pelamin,, huhu,,, dorang sangat secocok,, and kalau tak secocok pun,, apa ada hal,,, 

love is about holding each other's hands despite how terrible they fit.

do you remember this story belom kak nabila?

teringat lak kenangan buat inspection ngan kak nabila tau,, ada sekali tu,,, ada student letak air lap tingkap yang macam harem dalam botol perfumer,,, nak balas dendam la konon kat kaum prefects ni,, padahal dah tau perfume tu haram dibawa ke sekolah,,, yang gi bawak jugak pehal,, rasanya kali pertama muja nampak kak bila macam terasa hati,, and marah hari tu,, and still dia boleh tahan kesabaran,, just cakap jangan buat gitu kat prefects dah and terus keluar dari dorm tersebut,, kecik ati kot,, she was our leader back then and yet she was treated that way,, so rude and so badly treated,, sedey and sadis,, tapi,, kenangan itu la yang manis kan kak bila? kita prefects ni maintain cool je orang buat macam-macam pun,, no hal,, :D

so,, i hope both of you will remain together forever,,
may you both be happy forever
may you both get soleh and solehah children
may you both will be able to overcome all the hurdles undertaking
may you both be able to complete each other
may you both be together during tears and laughters




  1. errr. perfume takle bwk g skolah ek? takpnah tau pun. (-__-)

    BTW, they're cute together :D

  2. Salam.

    Mujaaaa..lamanya diorg kenal! ^_^

    Kita yang belum sampai giliran, berdoa banyak2 jela ya muja..dah sampai seru nanti, kita nikah la.heh3. ckp cam sonang je ha.hehehe.

    Lawa jugak baju pengantin kaler gold.. *berangan2 nak buat kaler tu,hak3*

  3. wah.. lama betul dorang bercinta.. memang jodoh namanya.. tahniah kepada mereka..

  4. Blog review, jom baca

  5. ohsem btol ni.. dpt camera dslr.. ^_^ haah awak tu bila agi.. ngeee

  6. selamat pengantin baru di ucapkan..
    dulu nak bawak deodoran pun tak boleh.. hanya beberapa je yang dibenarkan.. sedih betul..


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