first day conclusion

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ok. done with my current students.  students datang lewat so now.
asalnya aku nak start my class at 8 and end it at 9. but it seems that it is not going to work that way. kak han boleh hantar erina lepas tengok buletin pagi. maybe dekat ngan 8.30 pagi. rasyikah ngan syakir yang dok kat gong jering yakni kampung tercinta aku lak tak de sapa yang nak hantar dorang. dorang boleh datang kul 9 dengan mak su yah. so, i think i should start at 9. that is the only way now so that all of them can come at the same time so that i don't have to repeat the same things.

time dorang tak datang lagi, aku dah macam hape. kemas meja. tulis siap2 atas white board untuk dorang so that i wouldn't waste much time. while waiting, aku keluar la dari pagar umah, tengok bebudak gi tuition (rumah aku depan sekolah rendah, yakni sekolah aku dulu). heran aku. nape la holiday pun sekolah nak buat lagi kelas lama giler. from 8 to 12. baik tak yah cuti. can you imagine those families yang nak jenjalan, nak balik kampung, bercuti sana-sini menyahut seruan Cuti-cuti Malaysia. dah la diwajibkan. kot ye pun, bagi la option. kesian aku tengok budak zaman sekarang. nerd. tak de life. hahaha,, pada masa yang sama, padan la muka korang,, hahaha!!!

zaman aku dulu, time cuti panjang camni tak de langsung kelas. time ni je nak enjoy puas-puas. nak buat taik mata sampai zohor pun tak de yang kisah. dah dekat setahun kot hidup dengan sekolah, cikgu, buku. macam la best sangat,, hahaha!!! aku buat kelas ni pun memang kak han mintak. so confirm la dorang tak de gi mana-mana for holiday. tu pun buat lebih kurang sejam. santai-santai sambil makan ceklat. apa boleh buat, english teacher cam sempoi sikit. aku pun tak leh nafi kalau time study aku tunggu masa nak abis kelas je. hahaha

 masa dok ralit tengok budak-budak melintas jalan tu, ada dua orang girls ni dok depan rumah aku and dorang duduk atas motor. aku tanya dorang buat apa kat situ. rupa-rupanya dorang tunggu rasyikah. they came to study with me. kembang giler rasa hati masa tu. berbunga-bunga macam spring. ahhh,, best!!!

ada 5 orang, anak kak han erina, huda and hana adik aku, syakir and rasyikah.
erina macam senyap je but i think she does understand.
rasyikah is my best student so far, she seems that she get the points.
syakir, the only boy, very focus and harworking
huda, tak mandi pun turun untuk dengar aku ajar
hana, huh. ni yang paling susah nak attract her attention.

  • i really know how my lecturers feel when i come late class. i always come late to school. it would be very obvious especially during Language Development class. it is because my lecturer for this subject is very early. lecturer lain biasa2 je. hehe. jarang sangat la aku datang awal daripada beliau. hopefully i will change for the better next year. 
  • i really know that it is so hard to determine my students' understanding menyebabkan i have to ask them repeatedly. tapi bila tanya banyak kali takut dorang rasa i don't believe them. kadang2 lepas dia cakap dia dah faham pun they still can't answer the questions. so, the key for the solution is to ask them to answer related questions. then only we know the truth.
ps- sorry. it has been a long time since our last conversation. it is odd to talk to you now. i am sorry that i hurt you terribly this morning. (tak de kaitan dengan entry)


  1. biasalah student.. kata paham walaupun tak paham.. lepastu bila kene tanye..diam membatu..haha


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